How To Stop Procrastinating With Emotional Freedom Techniques

Do you put off today, what you should have done yesterday?

I remember doing my college essays, the night before they were meant to be in. I only panicked the night before. It was only the fear of being told off, that got me to do my essay.

But things are a lot better now, thanks to using EFT to cure my own procrastination. It can be the same for you, if you haven't already stopped reading and really want to change.

There are big costs to procrastination. Health is one. Just over the course of a single academic term, procrastinating college students had such evidence of compromised immune systems as more colds and flu, more gastrointestinal problems. And they had insomnia.

You can't study about stopping procrastination.  You have to do something to stop procrastinating

The Number 1 Reason Why You Procrastinate is Fear.

You imagine what might happen, not not will happen.  With EFT you can remove all fears from doing tasks that you don't want to do. You can get over the boredom and make any task fun.  All tasks seem to become manageable when used with EFT.

You are not lazy because you put off doing tasks. You think that something bad will happen.  It very rarely does.

Help With Your Priorities.

EFT can help you priorities your to do list.  Do you have so many things going on that you actually don't do anything?  You can spend too much time, doing nothing, then beating yourself up over it.  EFT can help you eliminate tasks that are unimportant.

Task Overwhelm.

Using EFT you can alleviate task overwhelm.  Often when have set yourself a goal, stop yourself from achieving that goal because deep down, you think it is an impossible task.  So you don't even start it.

Time Management.

You have too many tasks.  You don't know which ones to do 1st, so you end up doing none or them.

Lack of Motivation.

There are some times when you just don't want to do anything. By using EFT you can find out these and there root causes and either do the task or realize that it is not that important and drop it. There by releasing some of the stress and tension that you have put on yourself.

Pressure From Others.

Do you do tasks because somebody else said you had to do it?  How does it make you feel? Angry, sad, frustrated.  Do you feel worthless?  Emotional Freedom Techniques can help you change your own perception of you. Therefore, changing how others see you.

You Like The Pressure?

Stress is not healthy for you.  Storing stress in your body can make you very ill.  With EFT, you can treat the underlying causes of your stress.

Are You Afraid To Succeed.

If you don't do anything, how can you succeed? Are you more afraid of what others will think of you if you do succeed? Using EFT, you can know it is OK and you deserve to succeed.

Are you ready to stop procrastinating?