Examine Your Conscience

I believe everything happens for a reason, and 'if it was meant to be, it will be'. So when I returned home from Las Vegas, I picked up the "Happy Pockets" book by David Cameron. The page it opened to said this, "Keep your goals always beyond your comfort zone. If you achieve all of your goals and fail to create new bigger ones, you stop to grow. That can be dangerous, even though it may feel comfortable. Did you know that most people start getting the symptoms and diseases associated with old age within a few months of retirement? Through retirement, they signal to their brains and body that life is now wrapping up, coming to an end, society does not require their services any longer, and certain functions can now start to switch off. Retirement is not the problem; it is the signals that people accept that is the problem. Again, there is nothing wrong with retirement, but watch your signals. The lack of goals to achieve can be dangerous to your health, unless it is what you wish to have."

This is exactly what I teach and walk people through who are nearing retirement or who have recently retired. This is precisely why you often see people who have recently retired become sick or even die. Our mental capacity was meant to always be moving to the next higher level to maintain and thrive in life. Retirement is no different! You need to keep yourself challenged and moving forward toward life, not death. For the minute you believe retirement is death, your self-fulfilling prophecy starts to become true.

So take a few minutes to examine your conscience, and consider, what is it you are moving towards? I'd love to hear your comments. Pop me a quick email to let me know how this new found knowledge 'sits' with you.