Top 5 Time Saving Tips for Busy Families
1. Jot down the days of the week and any important events and things needed to prepare for them. Have a five minute conversation with other members of the household to make sure that you are all on the same page and time wasting confusion can be avoided.
2. Encourage everyone in your household to add to the grocery list that you keep posted. This lends itself to shopping at a moments notice when the opportunity is presented. It also prevents return trips to the store!
3. Do not forget to schedule some fun! Plan an activity that you can all look forward to in order to keep everyone happily motivated. Stay communicative with one another, this helps with the time saving as well as keeping attitudes helpful in a relaxed atmosphere!
4. Focus on the activity at hand. One of the biggest time sucks is distraction. Whatever the task may be, being interrupted extends the time to complete extraordinarily. Hint: When I need a few minutes to unpack book bags and start dinner I set my children up with an " target="”blank”" educational computer game . I know they are not exposed to the web, they are exercising their brain and having fun!
5. Stock up on kid birthday party gifts. When you come across a sale on a popular kid item grab a few of them. Do not forget to stock the gift bags, tissue paper and kid cards. Hint: " target="”blank”" Educational computer software and games mentioned above are an affordable gender neutral gift!