Time Management Is Self Management

Time Management is Self Management

Take a look at the following questions about how you spend your time during an average week and answer them the best you can:

How many hours of sleep do I get?

How much time do I use eating?

How long do I need to get dressed?

How long does it take to get to work and back?

How long does it take to do the chores and keep the house going?

I don’t know about you, but for me that list comes in somewhere around 85 – 90 hours. These questions are pretty much “things I have to do every week”, so that leaves about 78 – 83 hours per week for me to do other things.  If I spend 40 hours at work each week, (sometimes more), then that leaves me 30 -40 hours per week to spend time with the family, have a little bit of free personal time…you get the idea.

Today’s hectic pace of life. It’s a constant battle trying to balance yourself and your family with your job and your personal time. It’s a delicate balancing act, but one that can be managed if you do a couple of things:

  1. Get a motivator
  2. Set a goal for yourself – write it down
  3. Identify the barriers to reach your goal
  4. Write down strategies
  5. Make it happen!

We all share one thing in common – that is we all have 168 hours a week to live our lives. How we manage ourselves in that time frame is up to each of us individually.