6 Tips for a Better Work-life BalanceThe demands on your time seem to never ease up. We’re all struggling to make time for ourselves, maintain friendships, and keep the spark in our love lives. How can you determine what you need to be happier and more productive? Start with these 6 tips to achieve better balance in your life: Tip One: Search out a flexible employer. Job flexibility is the number one desired corporate benefit. If your company gives new meaning to the word rigid, you may need to look elsewhere - flexible employers do exist! Pay attention to articles profiling companies that are particularly family-friendly or rated as the best place to work. These companies are a great place to start your job search. Tip Two: Ask and you shall receive (maybe). If you want a more flexible work arrangement, whether it’s flex time, job sharing, or a shorter workweek, try asking for it - but make sure you’ve done your homework. For example, if you’re a really productive person, highlight this strength to your manager. Show her you’re worthy of this special consideration. Be prepared to give your boss the details of the new arrangement so he knows you’ve thought it through. Tip Three: Form a work-life balance committee. Form a group to survey coworkers to determine their needs. Gently inform your leaders that creating a flexible environment will be a benefit to the company because their employees will be happier, more creative, and loyal. Tip Four: Schedule ‘me’ time. If it’s important to you to do a thirty-minute workout three times a week, mark it with permanent marker on your calendar. There’ll always be some ‘more important’ work projects that compete for your time, but you need to realize that your personal commitments are just as valuable. Tip Five: Realize a temporary lack of balance is acceptable. Sometimes, you may feel your life is out of balance. Sometimes it’s worth it, like when you go back to school or take the time to care for a child or parent. If the benefit is bigger than the drawback, then accept it – because you have a new important, temporary priority. In time, you can shift back to a better balance with a new sense of accomplishment. Tip Six: Recognize the signs of burnout.When life remains out of balance for an extended period of time, you can suffer from burnout. Are you as tired when you wake up as you were when you went to bed? Do the little pleasures of life fail to satisfy you? Is your productivity waning? Refresh yourself! It could be something as simple as taking a weekend vacation … or as major as changing careers. The first step is recognizing it, so you can put your life back in balance. Reap the rewards of a balanced life today! Determine what your personal and professional needs are and decide if your workplace is meeting them. If it’s not a match, then review the six tips and make the necessary changes. When all the puzzle pieces of life fit together, you will be a better friend, parent, employee … and person. |