Advanced Balance With Isometric Exercise

A number of individuals can stand on one leg for at least ten seconds. This is for those individuals who want to challenge themselves even further. These days stores sell the bosu and air discs. Trying to balance on one leg while standing on an air disc or bosu takes a lot of concentration.. I use this technique with those individuals who want to improve their balance even more or improve their golf game.

Start by placing their air disk or bosu next to a wall or counter. (This is more difficult than you may think) I have individuals start with both feet on the disks to get the feel. Your ankles will wobble side to side and forward and back until you get used to it. (The wall or counter is there for your support) Once you are feeling more comfortable raise up one foot. By raising one foot and holding it you are performing an isometric move with the raised foot. Hold this for as long as you can. Then switch legs. Each leg will feel differently. One side is stronger than the other. This is normal. To add even more of a challenge you can start with moving your arms while holding one leg elevated. You will feel your ankle trying to adjust your balance. This is a good thing. You can move your arms side to side or up and down. Keep your abdominals tight during all of this.

For all of you golfers this is a great way for you to improve your game. I have my golfers stand on the balance discs and go through the movement of a full golf swing. This is in super slow motion. I don’t want anyone falling off the discs. Once they are comfortable with this move then we go into a regular timed swing. By using the balance discs I also have my clients perform squats and some upper body strength training exercises. When attempting anything new remember listen to your body and have good body positioning and don’t just breathe – IsoBreathe.