Learn Time Management Skills - Golden Gateway To Success

Time management is by and large the most taxing aspect in our lives. Every person on earth has a lot of time, but none of us can neither lend nor borrow it from others.

All one can do is alter the way we are utilizing it. It is indeed a daunting task to manage one's own time.

As a young student, you would be well aware of the role of time in your life.

Everything has a particular time that is to set aside for it. Importance should be given to you’re:
- Algebra and Philosophy subjects
- School projects submission
- Favorite sports team's practice
- Writing your final examinations.

In other words, your routine school activities are controlled by time. Proper management of time will enable you to utilize the time allotted for a given, specific activity efficiently.

This also allows you to take effective decisions relating to proper utilization of your valuable time.

Two fundamental steps will lead a student to manage his\her time efficiently. The first one is developing a lucid statement and a clear vision of your long-term goals. You have a bi-semester pattern every year. What might be the things you would want to achieve in a specific semester?

Would you want to get the first rank in your class? Then set that goal as a long-term goal. How will you be able to top your class? This means you have to inculcate effective habits of studying. The vacant periods in between your fixed class timings can also be utilized.

Now, after having set your priorities, it will become simple for you to fix your short-term goals and objectives. At this juncture, you would have already utilized your time by setting it aside for your long-term goals.

The second step is to schedule & manage time according to the objectives that have been fixed in the preceding step. This becomes the essence of time-management, especially for dynamic students like you.

If this step is not fulfilled, your objectives and goals cannot be achieved. It will also make you feel frustrated, anxious, guilty, and other negative, nasty feelings.

Now, its time to talk about the reality faced by students. First and foremost, you are a student already. You don't need to let your dad or mom know that they ought to wake you up at this particular moment in time.

Many a students are engaging themselves in non-academic activities, without being aware of the fact that they are actually investing too much of time and are almost neglecting their academics.

The circumstance mentioned above is the reason why a lot of students are deteriorating in their academics. Instead of spending time studying for their exams the following day, such students roam about together with their classmates and waste all their precious time dancing all night.

As a result, they fail miserably in their subjects. Worst come worst, they might be thrown-out of the school only because of their improper time management.

Following are some the fundamental things to remember for efficiently and effectively managing your time. Always remember that after having determined your short-term and long-term goals, you should manage your time in accordance to the priorities that you have decided upon.

1. Schedule your time accordingly: - Much before the commencement of your semester, you now have your class schedule with you. From that moment, you will hereafter create your very own schedule for your activities.

2. Aside from this schedule, regularly plan forthcoming days by means of a daily to-do list. Allocate scheduled events in their appropriate time slots and prioritize all activities that need to be prioritized.

3. Pursue your schedule religiously. It is a must to avoid interruptions. In case there are times when it is unavoidable, be sure that you do set aside some time for them in your subsequent schedule. If it's possible, then write a reminder for yourself for such unavoidable adjustments.

4. You will make the most of your given time if you start doing tougher jobs first. If it restricts you from getting your work started, then it is better to skip it & accomplish easier tasks. This will develop in you, the required confidence for finishing tough jobs later on when time comes.

5. Give yourself the necessary time to rest. short breaks should be Included in your schedules. If feasible, free yourself from any stuff relating to school during Sundays.

These are the necessary time management skills that students like you ought to develop. Follow it religiously and see for yourself time how time becomes a useful ally during your student life.