Dhea Side Effects - Are Dhea Benefits Realistic ?

The answer to that question is "Yes, they are". Nature's designer says so. Younger animals ~humans included~ enjoy a magnificent state of health and vitality inseparably connected to rock-solid levels of DHEA. There is no need for them to supplement. However, the answer "Yes, they are" is incomplete in older folks. The answer should read "Yes, they are as long as certain conditions are met in advance."

It is not wise to believe that if an older person's levels of DHEA are low all there is to be done is to supplement and the benefits of DHEA will make him as healthy and robust as when he was 20 years old. Well...  no, nature's designer is more elaborated and He does not work like that.

That designer requires much more than supplementing ~as if we were taking a cup of tea~ to gain benefits without DHEA side effects. The reason is because higher than normal levels of a major hormone can do what we would like it to do as long as our body has health conditions that must exist in advance. Only then our system is likely to be receptive to higher than normal levels of DHEA without meaningful side effects.

Let's picture in our minds the following conditions:

* Our body should take in large number of nutrients in addition to Vitamins & Minerals.

* Our body should not be exposed to presecription drugs for extended periods of time.

* Our body should not be exposed to over-the-counter drugs as if they were candy.

* Our body should receive enough quantity of water to efficiently eliminate toxins.

* Our body should have quality sleep for enough hours every night and not some nights.

* Our intestines should be evacuated regularly and receive 2 fibers and Friendly Bacteria.

* Our muscles should be periodically exercised not ignoring that running on Treadmill Machines ~or in a park~ wears out joints at a faster rate.

* Our body and mind must not be exposed to a hectic and stressful life style as well as aggravations and preoccupations.

* Last, but not the least important is that acts of kindness to others ~including animals~ provide proven benefits to our physical and mental health.

The list above was not meant to be complete, but should provide an idea of the kind of conditions which ~if present for extended periods of time~ are likely to make our body receptive to higher than normal levels of a major hormone. It is then possible to construe that benefits of DHEA may be realized as long as certain conditions are met in advance AND if they exist for extended periods of time.