Twelve Points To Ponder - Time Management

There was a saying by William Penn, "Time is what we want most, but... what we use worst."  We all desire to have abundance of time, yet when we have it, we often miss use it. So when it comes to time management, we misunderstand it. The belief that most of us have is eventually to finish the task that was set forth, that needs to be done. However, a key element would be in time management is basically to do the right things at the right time.

Twelve points to ponder when it comes to time management.

  • 1. Accomplish your mission and don't be seduced by distractions in your quest to achieve your goals. They actually just add on to your stress level.
  • 2. Great to have a time buffer - Just like water filled in a cup becomes the cup and water filled in a bottle becomes the bottle, adopt some flexibility when it comes to each day, which would be intensely scheduled.
  • 3. Waste no time my friend writing down second natured routine activities.
  • 4. If you think it, you got to ink it - Pen down all your task, whether work or pleasure, even if you want to adopt a new habit or it is a one of thing that needs to be done.
  • 5. Avoid being a Yes Man - Like a cup can only contain so much of water, when you add more, it would overflow, eventually causing you to feel overloaded.
  • 6. Avoid being a No Man - Convenient to say no, but too often said, we might lose that opportunity destined in our path that might be important or possibility enhance our status in our career.
  • 7. Be a great Delegator or outsource. Work on your strength and outsource your weakness.
  • 8. Give yourself a stopwatch for new projects, adopt a counter checking mechanism and not going according to plan, offer alternatives.
  • 9. Try not to be a Superman - we get the point you are multi-talented. Why must you over schedule yourself. Details are important, but not in every task.
  • 10. You win some, you lose some - In order to get new projects or task, please let go the old ones.
  • 11. Don't be shackled by the balls and chains of technology, prisoning yourself to the IT world, by allowing your emails or I-phones or PDAs control your life. Remember, it is totally okay to give them a holiday too.
  • 12. Don't be a dinosaur, go techno - use gadgets and technology to your advantage. Avoid time wastage on unnecessary calculations and writings. Use soft wares or new programs on your desktop (computer).

Hope these twelve points serve as a guide to time management.

When it comes to good time management, we don't have to get all our task or get everything done, just do the right things at the right time. I leave you with a thought from John Archibald Wheeler. "Time is what prevents everything from happening at once."