Made Your Own Skin Treatment With Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera or Aloe Barbadensis Milleer is type of plants that has been discovered thousand years ago. This plant is use for hair treatment, heal the pain, and for a skin treatment. In Africa continent, this plant is easy to find. Generally, aloe Vera in the world is being developed for raw material of pharmacy and cosmetics industry, and also any healthy food and beverage. There are more or less 400 species of aloe, from grey to bright green and sometimes striped or mottled. Aloe Vera is the most famous aloe. As said before, aloe Vera is revered for medicinal herbal properties, how ever, aloe Vera is mostly known for skin care.


In aloe Vera, it is contain antiseptic and antibiotic properties. It is makes aloe Vera is highly effective in treating some skin irritations such as cuts, burns, eczema, and also sunburns. In cosmetics, aloe Vera is being used as moisturizing ingredient, improve elasticity in the skin, and also reduce the aging sign. Aloe Vera contains 96 percent of water and 4 percent contains of amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. Vitamins A, C, and E in aloe Vera are containing antioxidants that are good for skin care.


Very few people are being allergic with aloe Vera that makes many cosmetic and pharmacy industries are using aloe Vera in heavy amounts. It is an easy plant to care; therefore much expertise is recommend to plant aloe Vera is the neighborhood. Aloe Vera also easy to made as homemade cosmetic or skin care treatment equipment. Here is some tips and recipe for aloe Vera homemade skin treatment. For repair and protect facial cleanser, you can have one large aloe Vera leaf that already peeled, one peeled slice of papaya, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of plain yogurt and mix them well in food processor. This mix aloe Vera can apply to face in gentle circular motion then rinse thoroughly with tepid water, and then you will get a healthy facial cleanser with aloe Vera.


For healing and soothing especially for sensitive and dry skin, you can mix three tablespoon of pure and certified organic aloe Vera juice, one drop helycrisum essential oil, and one drop raised essential oil. Combine all the ingredients and you can apply it for face mask, evenly on face and neck. Aloe Vera is a great plant that gives many benefits.


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