What happens when we just let go

For so long we have worried, fret and made a stressful nuisance of ourselves over simple things.

Why did we decide that living like that was ok, or even necessary?

We hear people say they are looking for freedom. Either time freedom or financial freedom.

But we already have this and we always have.

We each have a lifetime (obviously different for everyone in regards to how long that lifetime is) but we do each have a lifetime of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, month and years to spend doing WHAT EVER we like. What ever we choose?

So why do we choose to fill it with activities that keep us so busy, but not necessarily fulfilled?

Why do we take on board the ‘shoulds’ and the ‘have tos’ and forget to breathe.

No wonder we hear people talking about needing more of something.

Letting go of the fear and worry and stress allows us to be more creative. It allows us to be more connected to our spirit. It allows us to communicate with intentions of love and fulfilment so that everybody wins. There is no need for fear or anger or manipulation of any sort because we are connected into a universe of resources, opportunities and unlimited abundance.

When people used to say to me just let go, I would be furious. It would make me even more anxious because I didn’t know how to. I kept asking how but never found the right answer for me. Now I know that through my work I have been able to ‘let go’ of the previous beliefs and attitudes that did not serve me (or anyone else around me) and focus my task orientated vision on  much more satisfying experiences, meetings, people, action etc.

I feel more at peace with the process of life. And more settled with my own processes of moving through problems (aka opportunities)

For those of you who are really ready to be at cause and go on the inner journey. Because that is what it all boils down to. Clearing the path to step into the highest vision of yourself!

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