Get Organised And Fit In Your Five A Day

Time management is an effective tool to help us get the most out of our day. By planning our time, we can ensure we get what we want done and factor some “me” time into the process.

Motivation is a key element of time management and organisation success. You need to be clear when planning your time what tasks are high priority to you, why you are doing them and what the outcomes will be. When you are clear on what the outcomes will be, your motivation levels will soar – knowing that one thing off your task list brings you one step closer to what youreallywant.

For example, “I am going to sort out the living room today so the kids will have an area to store their toys (not on the floor!). At the end of each day, I can relax knowing it will take five minutes to put away their things and I can sit and enjoy a cuppa”.

But what if organising isn’t your strong point?

Try this simple five a day technique.

Identify five tasks that you want to get done today. If there is a large task that will take more than one day, break it down into smaller chunks – don’t be unrealistic in your planning, otherwise you go straight back to having a lack of motivation to get it done!

Write down your five tasks and put it somewhere so you can see it. A notice board, fridge door or wall is ideal. Decide which task you will tackle first and then go for it. Don’t worry about the other four jobs, focus all your attention and energy on your chosen task until it is completed.

When it is done, tick it off your list. There is nothing more satisfying than completing a task and eliminating it from your “to do” list.

This simple technique is also good for your health too. On the completion on each one of your five tasks, take a break and each a portion of fruit. Not only will you get your five tasks done, you will fit in your “five a day” too!