Where Does The Time Go?

How often do you say to yourself… “Where has the time gone, ” “I never have enough time,” “There just aren’t enough hours in a day.”

For many of us, taking the time to actually control your time, is easier said than done. It’s also something that never gets done.

If you want to create a better future for yourself and your family, you must learn how to control your time, how to have more hours in a day and how to be more efficient with the limited hours you do have.

Start with small goals. Trying to take control of your life before you take control of your day is a very broad goal that is hard to picture clearly. Knowing what you can get done in an hour or in the next 15 minutes is much easier to understand.

Ask yourself, “Am I in control of my day, or is my day in control of me?”

Most of us will answer a little bit of both. You probably feel you have some control over each day but at the same time you may also feel that too much of your day is not in your control.

The important choices you make about controlling your time each day should be conscious choices not unconscious choices. Conscious choices are clear, conscious decisions. You must consciously think about putting each power to the best use each day.

Start with 4 simple steps to actively control your time.

  1. Practice active time control

-   Be aware of what you do with your time every hour of the day

2.Set aside the time to plan your time

-  The important thing is to actually set aside time to do it

3.Each day, do what’s important and actively avoid what is not

-  The key here is the word actively. You have to control your time; you have   to use your time well

4.Add days of extra time to your month, every month

-   An example of this is getting up earlier in the morning. This is a very quiet and productive time for many.

By implementing one or two of these ideas, you will do better. By using all four, you will very likely have time to spare.