The Time Management Myth!

Time management is a myth because there is no way anyone can manage time. You
can manage yourself in time but you cannot manage time. You need to understand
this and keep it in your head if you want to be successful in life. There are
5 secrets to managing yourself in time. Here they are.

1. Breaking Free From The Time Management Myth:
You must understand to manage yourself in time you must control your day and do
not let the day control you. Make a schedule and follow it no matter what.
Physical energy is necessary to be able to do so and not fall behind or slow
down. So eat healthy and stay fit by either going to the gym or work out when
you can. Mental energy is necessary as well if you want to be able to manage
yourself. You must be focused at all time and know what you have to do and by
when it must be done. Control your day and stay focused by doing the most
important things first. Next topic is where it gets even better.

2. How To Tackle The Topic Overwhelm:
Overwhelm must be managed properly and when you are in a good mood. Do not take on anything that will make you feel overwhelmed unless you are ready to accept
it and move forward. Overwhelm is another word for growth! It is here to stay
so manage it properly and no not fear it. First you must schedule it. If
it means learning something new or trying something new or even purchasing a
product that might make you feel overwhelmed schedule it for a time and date
that you know you can conquer it and not worry. Another great way to overcome
overwhelm is to disconnect yourself from those who make you feel overwhelmed
and the things that bother you and do not think about them. Just keep reading.

3. The Vampire That Sucks Your Time Like No Other:
Distractions! Do not allow them whatever the case may be. Distractions suck
your time like no other. You must understand that talking on the phone or
even worrying about anyone calling you is a distraction. Checking email or
multi tasking is a distraction and must be avoided at all time. Focus on one
thing at a time until it is done and then move on. Now for my favourite part.

4. Importance Of Environment:
Always be in a conducive area when working on something important. An area that
will give you bright ideas and want to work hard. An environment filled with
pleasure and an area you like being and makes you happy. When you are happy the
creative faculty of your brain is working at full capacity which allows you to
produce the best work ever! Make sure you are always in a clean and tidy area
so you do not stress out or feel uncomfortable. Your environment must be an area
you really want to be in. Now for the last part.

5. How To Place A Dollar Value On Your Time:
Your time is worth 3 times if not more then what you think it is right now. To
determine this come up with an income goal of what you want to achieve for the
year and calculate what your hourly wage must be to achieve your income
goal for the present year. If it is 5 figures a week like mine was then your
time is worth a few hundred dollars per hour. Does that seem like time you
should be wasting? I don't think so. I know now that I am earning a realistic
5 figures a week that my time is worth almost a thousand dollars an hour! I do
not like wasting my time and you shouldn't either. Now that this article is done
let me share something quickly.

How would your life be if you could earn 5 figures a week by just working 3-4 hours a day? I know it changed my life since I have been doing it for some time now. I would love to share this opportunity with you today and how I am doing it using the internet. Go to / and lets get to know each other.