Let's face it, there are so many of them out there that it is sometimes hard for people to understand which anti aging skin care products really work.  Despite the fact that most of these creams and lotions are developed using the same useless ingredients, people are always on the lookout for the next new product to come along.  Each failure begets a renewed search for something effective.

It is really a shame that people will buy almost identical products over and over again, when they know that they are more than likely going to get the same results.  How many times can you purchase a collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid formula before you figure out that these formulas don't work?  The cosmetics companies sure pulled one over on people with these products.

Anti aging skin care products that feature these ingredients are supposedly intended to help replace the tissue you have lost to enzymatic decomposition, and ever lowering production rates.  Consumers have become convinced that the best way to overcome these issues is to introduce new tissue and polymer through the skin.  The problem is that it is not possible to do this.

Collagen and elastin proteins, and hyaluronic acid polymer cannot be absorbed into the skin, because they are far too molecularly dense.  Experts know that it is impossible for the topical application of these substances to help you achieve smoother skin, but the cosmetics companies are still pretending that these products will make you look younger.  People are starting to slowly figure it out for themselves though.

Although considered nutritional products more so than anti aging skin care products, orally ingested formulas containing hydrolyzed collagen are becoming popular for reducing wrinkles.  Hydrolyzed collagen is also known as collagen hydrolysate, collagen peptide, gelatin hydrolysate, and hydrolyzed gelatin.  This highly digestible protein does offer benefits, but doesn't do much for your skin.

Hydrolyzed collagen is excellent for maintaining joint health, and studies have shown that ingesting this substance will improve bone mass density.  a study conducted on the affect of hydrolyzed collagen on the skin has shown that if taken along with vitamin C and Glucosamine this substance will increase the moisture content of the skin, and improve the skin's visco-elastic properties.

What you need in order to truly improve the appearance of your skin is anti aging skin care products that force the production of collagen and elastin, while preserving the tissue gained.  The most effective products on the market are all natural formulas that feature a combination of the protein complex and enzyme fusion Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame kelp extract, and grape seed oil.

Cynergy TK is the spark necessary for eliciting new collagen and elastin creation.  While all of this fresh firming tissue is being created Phytessence Wakame and grape seed oil are ensuring that your tissue and polymer levels remain elevated.  These compounds protect your collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid from the marauding collagenase, elastase, and hyaluronidase enzymes that cause the firming substances to rapidly decompose.

Make no mistake about it.  All natural anti aging skin care products featuring this trio of ingredients are the best thing there is for achieving younger looking skin.

If you'd like to learn more about little known but clinically tested natural ingredients that are used for treating aging skin, visit my website today.