If only the day were 30 hours long would we finally have time to relax! In today's world, between work, family, chores, and errands, there seems to be little time to relax. A good way to find more alone time and to get stuff done better and quicker is simply to do things more efficiently.
Of course we all would like to be more efficient in how we go about our tasks, but most of the time, it is much more talk than walk. Here are a few tips on how to get things done quicker and better. Just try a few of these tips, you'd be surprised at how much more time in the day you really have!
1. Delegate as much work as possible. Hey, why do the work if someone else can do it for you? As much as we all like to feel that we are not replaceable on this planet, let's face it, most of the time we can find someone else who can do the job almost as well if not better. Perhaps consider hiring a housekeeper if you have the extra money. The amount of headache and time you save may be well worth the money!
2. Schedule some alone time. If you are the type that always has a PDA on hand, always brings work home, always is on a work call or a work lunch, then you need to schedule time away from work!
Even if you are doing something enjoyable while working, you are not releasing stress, you are simply enjoying work a little more! It is great to get work done while doing things you enjoy, but you will likely be more efficient overall and happier overall if you are able to relax. Spending 15 minutes here and there meditating, listening to music, etc. without any distractions will go a long way towards releasing stress.
3. If you respond to a lot of emails for work, respond as quickly as you can to them. A lot of the time, we find ourselves looking at an email and thinking "I'll take care of this later" or "I'll think about it and get back to him or her later."
We secretly know that delaying won't really improve the response of the message, so you might as well go ahead and respond immedietly! By delaying, you have to open the email again, probably read it again, think about it again, and then respond. So much wasted time!
4. Plan and analyze your sleep schedule. If you slept a half hour less a day, you'd have essentially one more full waking day per month. That's like having a leap year with 12 leap days!
Of course, you may need the sleep you are currently getting and may in fact need more sleep. Each person's sleep needs are different, so you'll need to figure out what is best for you. Too much sleep and you're simply sleeping your life away. Too little sleep and you're going to be a zombie all day. You won't be able to get much done and won't be able to enjoy life!