Stop Watching TV to Gain More Than 1,400 Hours This Year

TV can be a big time waster.  If you currently watch TV, you may be losing a lot of time.  On average, Americans watch 4 hours of TV a day.  That's equivalent to 1,460 hours a year, 36.5 workweeks, about 9 work months.  That means every year, the average American loses 9 work months from watching TV.

If you stopped watching TV today, you can get a lot more done.  Imagine having an extra 9 work months.  You could use your TV time to learn a new language.  Or learn a new skill.  If you want to master a martial art, 9 extra work months could increase your progress by a lot.

If you feel you don't have enough time in your day to get everything done, try stop watching TV.  At first, it might sound unrealistic to stop watching TV.  I used to watch TV every night myself.  The idea of not watching TV anymore was unimaginable.  I thought it was impossible to survive without TV.

But when I finally did it, it turned out to be really easy.

In fact, my mother was a TV addict, watching 3 or 4 hours of TV a night.  Then she finally took the leap and got rid of cable TV.  She got rid of it 8 months ago, and she's certainly surviving well without TV.  (The only thing she watches now is the stock channel.)  She's retired too, but she can still find things to fill her time without the TV.

Interestingly, she made the transition quite easily.  I didn't notice any “withdrawal symptoms.”

When you stop watching TV, you'll not only save time, but you'll save money too.  You no longer have to pay for cable TV (or satellite TV).

To stop watching TV, you need to discipline yourself and set a new habit of not watching TV.  For the next 21 days, force yourself to not watch any TV.  If you end up watching TV on one day, you'll have to start the 21 days again from scratch.  The 21-day period might be tough on some days, but you'll have to stick through it.

By the end of the 21 days, you'll find it easier to continue not watching TV.  It takes about 3 weeks to form a new habit.  So by then, you'll have a new habit of not watching TV.  And you'll enjoy all the extra time you'll have.