Time management skills are tools for self-fulfillment. So it's essential that your plans align with what you value the most. Use these 5 tips to create powerful time choices.

1. Take 15 minutes a day for one week to explore what you truly want and why.

Review your planning patterns up to now. Do you make time choices to please yourself or others? What patterns or themes do you notice? Create a clear picture of what you want and what it will give you. Otherwise, your schedule will be written in sand.

Jot down notes. At the end of the week, you will be ready to set clear goals that truly represent how you picture your ideal life. Document your results.

2. Examine the outcome you have defined.

Is it realistic? If not, how can you revise it? Ask yourself why this is important to you. This reason is your motivator. Hold onto it in the stresses of daily living.

If it feels vague, make it more specific. Envision the outcome clearly and the steps you'll take to bring it about. Make any modifications necessary to bring your desired outcome to life. If it's so big you feel overwhelmed, select a smaller piece that motivates you right now.

Write it down and post it in several prominent locations. If you have a picture that symbolizes your successful result, display that, too.

3. Cultivate awareness.

Awareness helps you create powerful choices, keep on track and then enjoy the benefits more fully.

Make a habit of looking at the results you have defined as most desirable for your life, at least 3 times a day. Create a daily ritual for yourself. A great way to start is to set a timer for 5-10 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner and then focus on this awareness.

4. Move forward by working backwards.

Once you fully assimilate your intention, you're ready to work backwards. Envision the outcome you desire clearly and mark realistic deadline on your calendar. Give yourself up to twice as much time as you think you'll need.

Now list your action steps. By working backwards, you're less likely to fall into the common trap of making action steps too big. Mark the dates for each step on your calendar, as well.

5. Fully participate in creating your success.

Now, document each action step you need to take.

Accept any setbacks as educational experiences. The more permission you give yourself to learn as you proceed, the stronger your morale will be. If you need to revise your plan as you proceed, go right ahead. Flexibility is a hallmark of successful individuals.

Validate each and every success. You have created a series of time choices to align with your personal values, and you deserve to reinforce this commitment by rewarding yourself.

What is your next step to find more time?