One way to save time is to simply read the newspaper less. In fact, you might even go so far to even stop reading the newspaper altogether. The newspaper is filled with crimes and bad news that wouldn't affect you anyway. When you read the newspaper less, not only will you save time, but you'll feel more positive.
Let's say you spend 15 minutes a day reading the newspaper. If you were to stop reading the newspaper, you'd save about 91 hours a year. That's like having an extra half of a work month every year.
When you stop reading the newspaper, not only will you save time, but you'll save money too. You won't have to spend money on newspaper subscriptions. You can use that money on other things.
To stop reading the newspaper, put yourself on a 21-day fasting plan. For the next 21 days, force yourself not to read the newspaper. If you read the newspaper on one day, you'll have to start over again from day 1.
At the end of the 21 days, you'll have established a new habit of not reading the newspaper. Once this habit is established, you'll find it easy not to read the newspaper.
If you don't want to completely give up on reading newspapers, you can at least limit the time you spend reading them. Instead of spending 15 minutes a day reading the newspaper, you could limit it to 5 minutes. Read only the main sections of the newspaper that are important to you and skip the rest.