To Avoid Procrastination, Take Action Now and Don't Wait Until You're "Pumped Up"

Some gurus teach that you should feel inspired before you take action.  Or you should feel motivated or enthusiastic first.  In fact, there's a system out there that teaches you to feel good before you continue working.  Whenever you feel less enthusiastic, it teaches you techniques to bring your enthusiasm back up.  And once that's done, you get back to working.

I've personally tried using the system where you do techniques to bring your enthusiasm up whenever it drops.  But each time I use a technique, it takes away 10 or 15 minutes.  Sometimes it doesn't work at all.  And sometimes, my energy level might drop many times during the day.

There's nothing wrong with feeling good before taking action.  In fact, feeling energetic can boost your productivity.  But the problem is that it's very time consuming to get your energy level up before taking action.  For instance, if you're waiting to feel inspired or motivated before taking action, you may end up waiting a long time.

Another example is if you do cold-calling.  Before each call, you might feel a lot of anxiety.  There are some techniques you can do to get rid of the fear.  While the techniques are great, doing them before every call eats up a lot of time.  And you have to make dozens or hundreds of calls.  It's more productive to just feel the fear and make the calls anyway.

If you don't feel motivated or enthusiastic before doing a task, just dive right in and do it anyway.  You'll save a lot of time and get more done by doing so.  And as you get into the task, your enthusiasm may go up as you're getting things done.  Or your fear may go away as you get into the process of the task.