Prioritize Your Tasks to Boost Your Productivity

If you have a lot of tasks to do or if your plate is overloaded, it's important to prioritize your tasks.  You don't necessarily need a complicated system for prioritizing your tasks.  It can be as simple as arranging your tasks in order of importance.  It's simple to do and can be applied now.

In fact, simply arranging your tasks in order of importance is the same strategy that Ivy Lee taught Charles Schwab.

The story goes that Charles Schwab wanted to increase his efficiency and got help from Ivy Lee.  Ivy Lee taught him to make a list of the six most important things to be done the next day and to number them in order of importance.  The most important task on the list would be done first.  After the task is finished, the next most important task would be done, and so on.

Charles Schwab didn't have to pay Ivy Lee for the idea.  But Ivy Lee asked Charles Schwab to try it out first and send him a check for whatever he feels the idea is worth.  A few months later, Charles Schwab sent Ivy Lee a check for $25,000.  It was a lot of money back then when people earned $2 a day.

So simply prioritizing your tasks by arranging them in order of importance is an effective strategy.  It worked for Charles Schwab, so it can work for you too.  And best of all, since it's easy to apply, you can get started with it right away.