One Easy Method to Improve Time Management

Does this phrase sound familiar to you, "I wish there was more time in the day!" or "I don't have enough time to do everything." Well, no one said you have to doeverythingin one day. Is it even possible?

It's a bit ironic to hear and see the words "time management" because did you know you can't manage time? We are all given the same amount of time. No matter what or how hard we try we cannot buy more time, butwhat you dowith your time is up to you.

Here's one simple method on how you can work to be more efficient by choosing the activities or tasks to be completed with the time you are given.

On a piece of paper or on a day planner, list your most important tasks to be completed in one day. Now give each task a number, one being the most important, two the next most important all the way down your list. Put the list away. Tomorrow when you wake up and start your day, take out the list and do the first task. Concentrate, focus and stick with this task until you complete it then move on to the next task. At the end of the day you may not have completed very many tasks, but that's okay because what you accomplished today you completed the top most important task(s) on your list! Hey, that's what's most important at the end of the day anyways and tomorrow you will continue with the list until you're done and then you can start a new one.

A lot of people make a priority list, but some don't stick to it because the task is too difficult so they move on to an easier task. Ignoring the challenging task will not make it go away as it will still be there until you complete it and at the end of the day can you honestly say you chose your tasks and used your time to the best of your ability?

Use this method as it's also another way of stopping procrastination. Here's a recap...

  • List the tasks that needs to be done then number them according to importance
  • Start with the first task and keep at it until you finish it. Once it's done, move on to the next one
  • Continue this process the following days until you have completed everything on the list
  • Start a new list using the same procedure

Time can't be managed, we know that now. Choosing what to do is the key to utilizing the time you have and to get more out of it.