Effective Ways to Save Time

How many times we feel that we have spent so much time on doing simple things which are not so much important. They are killing our time without we realize that the time is running out, and we have not accomplished any task for a day. Below are some of the things which will help us to save our time.

Often we tend to underestimate the importance of photocopiers in an office. Those machines just sit there and take copies of what is fed into them all day long. It does seem like a job which does not require any brains. And that is why we do not give these machines any credit. But once these machines fail, we understand their worth. Of course we can take multiple prints using a printer, but cost wise and time wise a photocopier is much better. It is really faster than a printer and it costs nothing to take copies.

Efficient Filing Systems
This had already been dealt with under office organization, but I just want to add that a good system of filing definitely saves a lot of time. Being able to find an important document or file should not be a matter of luck. There should be a proper place to keep the files something which people call a cabinet. And the files should be kept in a proper order with easy to read and intelligible name tags and labels. And in the files, the documents should not be filed in a haphazard order but should have an order that makes it easy to locate a paper.

The same thing applies to the files you have on your computer, you should name the files properly and not use abbreviation that could stand for anything. People tend to try and save time by using abbreviations which sound quite ridiculous once they forget what it really stands for.

Good Secretaries and Junior Staff
Good secretaries are always an asset to an office. If your secretary is as dependable as a screen saver, then half the battle is won. But on the other hand if your secretary is as feather brained as a hen, then heaven help you! The advantage of having good secretaries and junior staff is that you can delegate a lot of things to them.

I told you earlier that it is not always necessary that you do everything by yourself. You should be able to delegate a lot of things, but first of course you have to be sure that the people you are delegating to do something are good enough.

Once you are able to share your work load with someone, you will have at least one hand free, and I am sure you will be able to put that hand to some good use.

Now, over here I have just highlighted ten time savers. It would be a good idea for you to look around and identify things that could save your time. Answering machines for one save a lot of time. If you really are too busy to attend your calls, let the machine do the talking for you.

In this context I think it would be appropriate to talk about one thing that most people often go wrong with in their quest to save time, and that is trying to do two things at the same time. But that takes us to our next chapter.

From this article we learn how to overcome our problems with the time savers, and how it is very important if we can delegate some of our works to other people, so our tasks will be completed on time.