Is your procrastination habitual? The following questions will help you to realize the areas to be improved immediately:
- Have your short term and long term goal projects been filed neatly?
- Does your atmosphere determine the productivity of your work? Is your work areas specially designed to keep you focused on your current work?
- When you complete your task on time, will you pat yourself?
- are the unnecessary tasks eliminated from the daily schedule?
- How is your accuracy in knowing which jobs can wait with a justifiable proper reason?
- Do you focus on the strengths, instead of being worried about the weakness?
Don't cheat yourself- one of the main reasons for people failing to have a prosperous life is due to procrastination. When you think of putting a job off, how do motivate to keep moving? If your answer turns out to be "no" to anything, then, its high time you start working on that today with dedication. The procrastination monster can be defeated with the following tips:
- Keep a track of success. Write it down every time when you motivate yourself to go forward. Write down how it feels to be successful. If you find a job hard to start the next time, read a success story from this diary. This will motivate you to go forward.
- If you find assignments difficult, try converting it into team projects. Outsource or delegate things you don't do well or dislike. Focus on the strengths; don't let weakness pull you down. The only way to break out of the vicious circle of procrastination is by asking hard questions. We are not victims of our circumstances. You can do the things that need to be done. And you can learn to distinguish between the things that need to be done now and the things that can
- Reward yourself when you successfully complete your job. Do you generally reward yourself, when you go on till the end with a hard task? What gets you happy? How can these be used as rewards for you? But always the vest reward is recuperation and rest. As said by Albert Einstein, "The idle man does not know what it is to enjoy rest."
- Make best use of time. One main procrastination symptom is to fill your day with the unnecessary tasks, or something which can wait. Your main priorities can be focused by creating the right atmosphere for work. As an author and an English statesman Lord Chesterfield says, "The less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it." Prepare a list of things you regret not doing because of poor management of time. Doing something now is the best way to overcome procrastination.