How to organise your life

  1. Don’t let your paperwork mount up. Tackle it little and often. Do your filing as you go, rather than spending hours once a month. Once you have a system in place, it’s easy to keep on top of it all. It takes five minutes to reconcile your bank statement and even less to file your electricity bill. Make sure you have direct debits set up so that you never miss a payment. If you want to be super efficient, do your banking online and tell your bank you want to go paper-free. Good for you and great for the environment.
  2. Work out who can help you. The more people who you coax into supporting you, the more time you will have. Let your mother have the children for a few hours, employ a cleaner (if you can), get the kids to do tasks and get a lifestyle management company to pick up the things you just can’t face. Delegate!
  3. Never waste a trip. Pick up the dry cleaning on the way back from the post office. Drop in to the bank on your way to the shops. Multi tasking is the key.
  4. Plan your time. Dedicate one night a week or a couple of hours at the weekend to just getting it done. It won’t be on your mind when you know it is part of your schedule.
  5. Use a lifestyle management service who can take on your to-do list and do all the things you never get round to. Try who will take care of the tasks you can’t face and give you the time to do what you really want.