Accepting Responsibility - 3 Brilliant Tips To Overcome Procrastination

Deluding ourselves results in procrastination. Procrastinators deny reality and refuse to accept responsibility in their lives. In order to conquer procrastination, we should put an end to playing games with our own selves. It is not possible to overcome procrastination without accepting that no one but you are responsible for everything happening in your life. This may require you to be more honest than most people can be but no other way is possible for you to enrich your life.

The initial step to overcome procrastination is to recognize it as a setback. Procrastinators have small as well as big problems caused by procrastinating.

All procrastinators have these traits:

- These people know what to do about a about a particular problem or in many cases, exactly what needs to be done. Still, they find excuses to avoid acting on it.

-They are usually reluctant to act on any problem now, though they vow to act on it in the future at some point of time.

-They promise to act when the "right" circumstance occurs. They make the performance if the job depends on some other thing and justify their delay in taking action. Thus convincing themselves to think that their hands have been tied. They want to do act but they can't-not their mistake.

Researchers have shown that if you really want to change yourself, it is possible for you to develop new habits within 2 weeks. Think about successful people who never fail to get things done. How do they form their work habits? In what way do they deal with unappealing tasks? What makes them remain focused?

These simple tips can help in taking control of your life now:

-Prepare yourself mentally to be productive. I start every day in meditation and prayer. I put inspirational sayings in easily visible places. Then I visualize how to succeed in the day. Procrastination can be a real monster; it will never leave unless we act on eliminating it every day. If I look at a job passionately, I can finish any time of the day and in any circumstance-the problem is to find the best time to tackle the most tedious and hardest jobs. Question yourself: I am most productive at what part of the day? Most people feel that they are most productive during early morning; it becomes harder for them to stay put and concentrate on their work by mid-afternoon. Try scheduling the difficult tasks during the time you're most productive.

-Don't socialize too much at work. Gossip and chitchat in the office prevents most people from accomplishing themselves more. Tell people when you don't want them to disturb you. Think about things that help you stay focused in your working environment. What are the things that distract you and make you postpone a task? How can you change your environment to remove the things that induce procrastination? (It is not necessary to have a neat workspace as long as you know where everything is).

We are not the victims of circumstance. It is possible for you to overcome procrastination now-by doing the things that require completion. And you can also learn to differentiate between what needs to be done now and what can wait.