The Importance of Goal Setting and Time Management

One of the important skills you need for time management is goal setting. Without that ability, you’ll have a much harder time taking the steps necessary to get your day organized and to complete your tasks in an orderly fashion. Below are some examples of how goal setting and time management are connected.

The Building Block Method

One of the best examples of the connection between goal setting and time management is the most effective way to accomplish goals or tasks: breaking them into smaller jobs. If you’re facing a major goal or a big project, it can be overwhelming. You may have no idea how you’re going to accomplish anything.

By breaking the end aim into smaller components, you’ll find the task to be a lot more manageable. You can complete each of the smaller components in less time and this gives you the confidence to keep moving forward. Eventually, you end up completing the project or the goal and you do so without excessively stressing yourself out.

Danger of Procrastination

Procrastination is the enemy of both goal setting and time management. By constantly putting off and delaying what needs to be done either to complete a goal (or setting goals in the first place) or a project, you end up making it harder to get something finished and you increase your levels of stress.

Most of us feel the urge to procrastinate, especially in the face of an unpleasant or seemingly impossible task. However, we have to fight that feeling by forcing ourselves to keep working. Here’s a tip. If you’re facing something you don’t want to do and you’re thinking about procrastinating, force yourself to spend at least ten minutes on the project. By the time you get that far into the work, you’ll probably be able to keep going until you get it done.

Signs of Success

When traits of highly successful people are identified, both time management and goal setting always make the list. That’s because these are skills that naturally lead to greater levels of success in life. If you know what you want in life and can focus your efforts on achieving that goal, you stand a much better chance of reaching it than the person who never really thought about where they wanted to end up in life. The same is true with managing time. If you take a too relaxed approach to your work, you’ll end up getting little done at the end of the day.

Habits to Form

The good news is that even though time management and goal setting are challenging to learn and to use at first over time they do get easier and will become almost like a habit. You’ll begin to set goals without thinking about it, and you’ll be listing your day’s projects mentally as soon as you wake up in the morning.

But that future habituation can only happen when you start working towards improving these skills today.