Do You Spend Your Time on What is Actually Important to You?

Here’s a question for you: What do you spend your time on?

We all have 24 hours per day to spend in whichever way we like. If you meet a person for the first time and you want to get to know what that person is like, you may ask him what his daily life looks like, i.e. what he spends time doing. If the person tells you that he spends a lot of time in the gym, you may assume that fitness is very important to him. Similarly, if he tells you that he works 10 hours every day, you may assume that to this person working is very important.

By spending a lot of time on certain things you are telling yourself and others that these things are important to you.

But are the things that you spend time on actually the same as those that really ARE important to you?

Many people say that their family is important to them. Yet they stay at work until late and they are home they are too tired to socialize. Other people may have the goal to start eating healthily, yet they are so busy doing other things that they never have time to cook and therefore grab a burger on their way from one place to another.

Are the things that you’re spending time on a good reflection on what you value most highly?

Next challenging question:How much time are you spending on yourself?How many hours per day do you do something just because you like it and feel good when you do it? How much time do you spend on taking care of your physical and mental well-being? Half of the day? A few hours? Not even one hour per day?

What does this tell you about how important you think that you are?

When you spend time on your own wellbeing, you are showing to yourself (and others) that you are important.How can you increase your self-esteem if you never show yourself that you are valuable enough to spend time on?

If you want help in finding out what is important to you and how you can reorganise your life accordingly, please contact me at or visit !

Liv Miyagawa -The Self-Esteem Coach