Get More Done in Less Time by Typing Faster

If you want to get more done in less time, it's important to learn how to type faster.  If you're only typing 20 WPM (Words Per Minute), then you're not going to get as much done compared to someone who types 50 WPM in the same amount of time.  If you can type 50 WPM, then you won't get as much done compared to if you can type 80 WPM.

The most obvious example would be if you do writing.  To write 500 words, which is about a page, it'll take you 10 minutes to type it at 50 WPM.  But if you can type 80 WPM, you can finish it in 6.25 minutes.  That gives you about 4 minutes of time savings.

4 minutes may not be much, but they accumulate.  If you're writing 5 pages (about 2,500 words), then at 50 WPM, it'll take you 50 minutes to type it up.  But at 80 WPM, it'll take you 31.25 minutes.  That's about 19 minutes of time savings.

Even if you don't do much writing, increasing your typing speed will still save you a lot of time.  Think of all the emails you write.  If you can type twice as fast, then you can spend half the time you're spending now on writing emails.

You also do typing when using search engines or typing a URL in your web browser.  Typing faster might save you a few seconds there.  That may not be much, but it adds up over time.  You might be doing it hundreds or thousands of times.  For instance, doing it 500 times with a 5-second time saving will save you about 42 minutes.