Overcoming Procrastination - Tips And Tricks To Get You Going

Realizing that procrastination is the problem would be the first step to overcome it. Procrastinators have all sorts of problems, big and small, but it's true that most problems are due to procrastination.

General traits of the common procrastinator:

- Procrastinators actually do know what to do in case of a problem; at many times they know the specific action to be carried out. But they avoid doing it with some reason or other.

- Procrastinators are in general unwilling to do anything about the problem at present; they plan to carry it over to some other point in the future life.

- Procrastinators keep all their work till "right" time presents itself in front of them. The performance of their job usually depends upon something other than themselves; they can easily find reasons for their delay. They cheat themselves to think that they always have a busy schedule. They think of doing many things but they fail to, not a fault of theirs.

- Most procrastination is caused by deluding themselves. Procrastinators don’t accept reality; they don't like to take any responsibility in their lives. To overcome procrastinations, we should stop playing with ourselves. To overcome procrastination, we have to accept that we are responsible for every part of our life. There may be much more honesty than many are capable, this is the best way to get our life fulfilling.

We aren't caught in our circumstances. Anything can be achieved by you once you decide to do it. You should learn to prioritize things of what should be done immediately and what can be left alone for later.

1. Is a list of your life's goals ready?

2. Has a list of your short term goals been prepared (within 6 months)?

3. Has the lists has been put up in viewable places?

4. Has it been prioritized? Some things which look more important are actually not so in the long term view.

5. Have you learnt to say" no" when needed to avoid over burdening yourself with jobs?

6. Are you in the present? Do you focus on the current situation, rather than dwelling in the past memories?

7. Know how much time to be spent on a job, wind up when you think you have done the best possible. Loitering over the same job prevents from starting a new one.

If "no" has been an answer for any of the questions, get started today on the corrective action. Do something upon it one by one. Keep working on it till you can really answer is a "yes" to that question. You have moved upon the first step to your change by reading so far; now it is time to move on to the execution. Get started off with something which you have been putting off so long. If you are waiting to change, only you can do it and the right time is now.