Do it on Purpose!

Are you doing what you are doing on purpose? Are your priorities enhancing and advancing your life?

With our responsibilities constantly shifting and the amount of work we receive exceeding our ability to produce, knowing what to do and when to do it can become overwhelming. But you aren’t here to spend your life checking off an endless To Do list. You’re here to connect to your passion and purpose – and use it to enrich your life and others!
When you’re in tune with your important and top priorities – the ones that “juice” you, the ones that enhance, advance, and enrich you – you radiate energy and self confidence!

There is an old Chinese Proverb which says,“If you chase two rabbits, both will escape.”You can’t be effective if you’re running in a thousand different directions.YOU HAVE TO BE CLEAR ON WHAT YOU WANT BEFORE YOU CAN HAVE WHAT YOU WANT.

The first step is to clarify and focus.

You’ll increase your productivity immediately by first identifying your top priorities. Start by setting goals that align with your most important objectives.  Then reduce stress levels by recognizing and eliminating low-priority activities and distractions.

Why are you waiting?

How you’ve spent time in the past has determined your present environment and work/life situation. Your future 5 years from now will be a direct result of how you prioritize your time and activities right now. Being conscious of priority management directly affects the quality of your life.

Why do we have trouble identifying our important priorities?

1. You lack a specific learning set or skills.

You simply lack knowledge. You need to learn a skill or technique to adjust your approach. For example:

·         The task is complex and needs to be broken down into smaller chunks.

·         Your space is disorganized.

·         You don’t have a reliable way to manage information or tasks.

2. Your external environment or circumstances contribute.

Factors beyond your control interfere, causing you to be distracted and lose focus.

·         Last minute projects or meetings

·         Illness or accident

·         Unrealistic workload

·         Transition (Birth, death, divorce, new job, downsizing, promotion, new boss)

·         Highly distractive environment – lots of crisis management or interruptions.

3. Psychological factors.

By far the most insidious, internal fears, beliefs, and behaviors can prevent you from getting the best from yourself and identifying your personal success. Do you fall into any of these success saboteur personalities?

·         Chaos Creators: You get a rush from stress.  You mistakenly believe you function better in disaster mode.

·         Fear of Failure:  You procrastinate because you’re afraid you’ll make a mistake.

·         Fear of Completion:  Perfectionism keeps you from finishing projects. You love the creative process but not the grind.

·         Fear of Losing Creativity: You fear structure will squelch creativity.

Once you’ve identified what’s holding you back, it will be easier to unpack your emotional briefcase.  Here are 7 simple ways to begin turning your priorities into purposeful action and  create your best life right now.

1. Choose the most productive time frames to do your work.

Don’t work on an activity that requires intense concentration during a noisy or interruptive time period. Sometimes you have to choose the toughest job first and get it done while your energy level is high – even if it isn’t your highest priority.

2. Choose the Best Task and Do It At The Best Time.

After choosing your priority do it at the time when you can accomplish it most effectively. Perform difficult tasks at peak energy times. Do work you enjoy at low ebb times.

3. Practice Instant Success.

Be successful right now at this moment. If you are actively involved in something you value then you are being successful in this instant – and you are enjoying instant success. Good time management means doing activities you regard as important to achieving what you want in life.

4. Learn How Long Tasks Take.

We tend to overestimate the time it takes to do unpleasant tasks and underestimate tasks we enjoy. We often are unrealistic about how long it takes tasks to complete. We believe we have more time than we do. Plan for interruptions or unexpected delays.

5. Fill Your Time with One Job.

Choose a time slot and fill that slot with one activity. If you have a large time slot (2-4 hours) – choose 2 to 4 1 hour tasks to fill that slot. Smaller tasks should be blocked into small time slots. Don’t start a long involved project if you only have a 30 minute window!

6. Utilize the Best Times to Do Your Work.

Work with energy peaks and valleys.

7. Delegate.

Hire a professional, turn over to a trusted colleague. Even if you love the concept but it’s not in line with your priorities – delegate it!

Learning to manage your priorities is the key element to organization and time management. Connect to your passion and purpose – and make a decision to eliminate ANYTHING that isn’t consistent with your vision.

The secret to your best life is not what you add to it, but what you eliminate from it.