Time Saving Tips - 5 Quick Ways to Simplify Life and Save Time

5 Quick Time Saving Tips

Never enough time?  Too much to do?  Take a quick look at these tips.

1.Problem #1: No Structure.  Solution: Organize!Taking a few moments at the beginning of your day to put together a basic structure is the #1 way to save time.  This doesn’t mean you need your life scheduled to the minute.  Just a short “Organization Session” can work wonders.  It will save you TONS of wasted time most spend in urgent mode.  And will also save you from the suddenly recalled tasks to do at 4:59pm.

2.Problem #2: I Can’t Just Move Forward.  Solution: Create Space.Make your priority a true priority.  Don’t put it off.  A few tricks can help it finish up in no time.  Check your email and voicemail only a few times a day.  Two would be ideal.  Divide large tasks up into smaller ones.  Concentrate on a few projects and finish them up.  Going back and forth diverts attention and wastes several minutes each time trying to get your focus back.  Let others know this is your policy and have them text you if it’s urgent.  Don’t be afraid to say no to other’s demands on your energy and time. And make sure to reward yourself throughout the process – it helps with motivation to finish it all.

3.Problem #3: Overflow and Overwhelm.  Solution: Let Go.Do you get 100 emails every day?  Have piles of magazines to read that you never get to?   When you see these “stacks” of things and feel them weighing you down, immediately reach for them and toss them in a recycle bin.  Stop stressing about getting them done.  Look openly and ask yourself, “do I have to do these?  Do I really need these?  When will I really get to these things?”  Let go of the maintenance of things that you simply don’t have time for.  This will free up a lot of your energy from carrying around such a heavy burden.  Delegate things that you can.  Often times others would love to help out and it may even allow them to grow.  Consider hiring a helper for a few hours a week.  Even if they free you up just a few hours, it is often well worth it.

4.Problem #4: Burn Out.  Solution: Take Short Breaks.Rotating working periods with short rest or recharge periods will keep your energy flowing.  An optimal energy flow ensures the greatest quality and quantity of work possible.  Every few hours get up and stretch or take a quick walk around the parking lot.

5.Problem #5: It’s a Mess Here.  Solution: Clean and File.It seems like a waste of time, I know.  It’s not that you have to do it.  But someone needs to.  Set your desk up as a cockpit.  A great setup can speed up efficiency miraculously.  Keep your areas neat and clean.  File your work so that you can quickly find it when needed.  So, go ahead.  Hire that helper if you haven’t already.  Start somewhere.  Or, if not, pick up that stack and begin today.  Implement a system that creates a perfect harmony between findable and low maintenance.  I’ve found one.  It IS possible!

And now I invite you to get more free refreshing lifestyle ideas, organization and clarity tips, and fun at ./" . Stay connected to receive your goodies.

By Danielle Marie Crume