Fight Procrastination - Keep Daily Goals, Achieve Them

The sure shot way to accomplish some task with out fail is to have some short term goals and achieve them one by one.

Once you start setting the daily goals, you eventually develop the habit of completing the things on hand by hook or by crook. When ever the devil of procrastination knocks at your doorstep, you would be able to force him out successfully. You would hence be able to push yourself ahead as you have would have completed the major chunk of the job already.

Hence, the simplest way of winning the fight against procrastination, is to make sure that you achieve the daily goals.

Her are some tips that would help you follow this strategy:

1. Set yourself a goal for each day, and make sure that you achieve it.

2. We must understand that in case we are not able to see the vision of our project being met, we feel discouraged. So, the goals that we set, we must do that in a way that they are achievable and at the same time they lay out a well defined plan t meet our long-term vision.

3. Our negativity might pull us back as on the forefront we might not be able to see the progress, but in case we are determined and keep following the practice we shall be able to meet the daily goals and the more we achieve them the more positive becomes our attitude.

4. Set some weekly & monthly goals. The short-term goals are the milestones that keep us moving towards the long term goals. These short term goals help us to know the right direction where we must head to. When ever some long term goal seems to be far away, we easily get discouraged. It is easier to break down the large project in to small segments as then we would be able to focus better.

5. Make it a habit to congratulate yourself when ever you achieve the daily & the weekly goals.

6. Give yourself some special reward when ever you successfully achieve the monthly goal.

7. It is very important to experience yourself the satisfaction & rewards of successfully accomplishing the tasks. When ever you force yourself to get going unless & until you are able to finish the project, it is easier to initiate the next one.

8. Do not be surprised in case you feel yourself grappling with a drift towards procrastination every now & then. For some of you, this fear might never faint out completely. All the successful people make it a point to learn the tactics to identify procrastination in their self, and how to handle it effectively to the benefit for their selves.

Some tips to turn off the demon on procrastination:

1. Successful people always use their time efficiently. When some urgent task pulls them down with threat and drifts them away from what ever you are doing, they do not just rush in to it only because it seems to be urgent. They first question themselves with a relaxed mind - Which of the two choices is a higher priority on my list?

2. The successful people turn off their phone off & on, in case they can get things done merely by the voice messages. They keep their phones off for a certain time period of the day as telephone, we might not realize, is one among the most insidious thieves that steals away our time. It might be urgent but very rarely important. Switching off the phone for sometime lets you sort out the less urgent & more important things in life.

3. These people always keep a log regarding the usage of their time. In case they have missed a deadline, these people plan for finishing the remainder of the work as early as possible and for this they estimate it as accurately as possible as to when will it be done.

4. The successful people usually have a routine. They have set objectives to accomplish each morning & every afternoon.

5. They also leave some time in the daily schedule for all sorts of contingencies.

6. The successful people always think twice prior to postponing a task.

7. They know that pushing themselves to the fullest to accomplish the daily goals would ultimately help them achieve the long term goals.