Students are now understanding they hold the key to finding the work-life balance in college, especially for those holding down part-time jobs and also having to join in certain social activities and sports groups (an essential and unavoidable part of college life). So, they are always looking out for proven and practical methods, tools and information available on the topic, on campus, in local student help chapters and even online about how they can learn to strengthen their time management skills.

Well, they don’t have to look too far for picking up the best, workable time management tips and resources for we have some vital information for them right here: we begin with a reminder about finding a motivator for increasing the success percentages of your better time management goals. Look within – it could well be you that you are looking for to guide you through the various stages of proper time management, so focus on the old adage, “where there’s a will, there’s a way,” which is very true for this situation of motivating yourself to reach your goals, be they long-term fitness goals or short term weight-loss goals that you feel once accomplished you can convert into permanent results – and just do it! However, the main ingredient here is motivation, which you need to understand and work at keeping constant so you can reach whatever goals you desire – by yourself.

Proper time management for students is not a new concept, but it has been given a lot of attention lately since the student community of today has also branched into so much more than what was expected of them say, 2 decades ago that juggling activities like youth politics, entrepreneurship, scholarships and keeping down jobs has become a norm on many campuses. With many students at college today being over-achievers and wanting to fit in as much as possible into their day, it has become unavoidable to learn at least some practices of time management in order to have a stress-free, organized and happy life.

This applies to the entire global student community that wants to learn how to prioritize, blossom their talents and efficiently juggle various tasks to emerge successful.

Take a look below for the latest research and percentages of student time management studies and what they reveal about our collegiate community at large – compiled and verified statistics, just for your reading pleasure!

In the words of Thomas Huxley, the biologist referred to as Darwin’s bulldog, “The most valuable result of education is the ability to make yourself do things that you have to do and needs to be done, whether you like it or not.” Work on self-motivation, smart selection of necessary tasks (not always the pleasant ones, but the unavoidable ones at best), prioritize your goals, make a calendar of things you have to do and at what time, then stick to these in a disciplined manner in order to achieve them all. With this attitude, even small-town students from Colorado and Idaho have gained honors (45% of them from rural backgrounds) as developing practical time management skills helps one keep track of studies, social life and other important tasks with minimal pressure. Take a leaf from your country cousins – and you can be a winner too!