Writing Wedding Speeches - 5 Top Tips for Success

Congratulations! Someone you know is getting married, and you are so excited for them, but you want to say your piece. So now, wanting to write the perfect wedding speech, you must do your homework. What is the best way to write a wedding speech ? The following will get you started on your wedding speech, all you need to add is marrying friends to the mix:

1. Brainstorm. Write down everything you want to go into your wedding speech, from elementary school with your friend to your most recent memory. If you don't want your wedding speech to be too long, then I would suggest you first brainstorm to ensure you get the most important points out in the open.

2. Ask friends and family (mutual acquaintances) what things they think should be included in the wedding speech. Don't feel obligated to include these things, but they will probably give you some great ideas or points of view that you would have never thought of for your wedding speech.

3. Get into the "wedding speech mood." Read on the internet about weddings and wedding speeches if you haven't been to many weddings.  You should also find out how a wedding reception is organized so that you have some idea of when you will actually have to speak and also how long your speech should last.  Spend some time with your marrying friends so that you can write the perfect wedding speech for them.

4. Find mementos like photos and other items that remind you of the times that you have spent with the marrying couple.  This is a good idea because sometimes looking at photos and mementos can help to jog your memory and remind you of a story that you could possibly write about in the wedding speeches.  Most good wedding speeches have a story about the couple in order to show the speech giver's personal connection with the couple.

5. Write. Make a rough draft of your wedding speech. If it's too long, you can always edit it down, but get it down on paper.  You will want to start out with an outline.  If outlines aren't your style, just write freehand everything that comes to mind and when you think you have gotten everything down you can always just go back and edit out unnecessary details and fix grammar and spelling errors.  Your perfect wedding speech will materialize before your eyes.

These are just some simple tips to get you started with the wedding speech writing process.  It is not difficult to write wedding speeches if you know how to think creatively and you follow these tips.  If you are still struggling, you also have the option to download premade wedding speech examples and just add your own personal touch.