Wedding Invitation Verses: Rhyme your Way to Love

Wedding invitations require a lot of thinking in order to be perfect for your ceremony. Why? Because to achieve perfection, your invitations must really represent your marriage. They must speak for you and not about you or about the reception or the ceremony or anything...

Although I always recommend my clients not to use wordings from other wedding invitations, some wedding invitation verses can be modified for your convenience. Below I will list a few verses I like that you may use or modify to include it in your wedding invitations.

In the spirit of the season
We have found the perfect reason
To gather our friends and family
To celebrate all in harmony…

Our wedding day,
A new life has a start
We'll share with each other
One love, one dream,
One heart...

The adventure has begun
to share all the days of our lives
As we shall become one
as the moment arrives...

The weather outside may be frightful
but the wedding inside will be delightful...

What begun only as fun
Has become true love
We want our friends and family to get a hold of
Ourselves as we become one...

It is a good idea to begin your wedding invitations with these kinds of verses because it gives your cards more personality. Instead of starting out your invitation with your name's or something like that, start them with a quick rhyme to lighten up your guests; use creative wording for wedding invitations.

The verses listed above are somewhat generic and might not suit your invitation. That is why you must think of something that combines with you, your partner and the wedding theme. Aside from you invitation wording, including a picture is also a good idea, but you have to be careful it doesn't look too cheesy. I recommend you to go to a professional and ask him o her to take your pictures.