5 Easy & Great Low Budget Wedding Ideas For a Successful Low Budget Wedding

It is the fairytale and every girls dream day. Can you picture it being as fabulous as you have imagined on a low budget?

If not, then read on and find out more.  A low budget wedding does not mean cheap or tacky for you at all

Make your low budget wedding as special as you have always want but without the financial pain with these simple low budget wedding ideas

1. Be a Budget Bully

Agree it, write it out, file it, entrust it to friends or frame it.  Whatever you do, agree it with your partner and stick to it whatever the temptation for either one of you

Do not ruin your dream day with stress over a broken budget? A stress free bride is a happy bride.

2. Prioritise Your Budget

They will have seen all sorts of weddings from the large to the small of the frugal war years Use this to help you decide where to spend money save it on other things

Will you live with a budget wedding dress to have a larger reception?

3. Involve Friends and Family

Get them involved!  They will all want to help you anyway. Use that energy to help you.  They will also know a lot of people with great skills and contacts.

They may know someone who makes cards and could make invitations, or someone who is a hairdresser, florist or photographer.

4. Decide Who is Important to You both

Who must be there on your special day?  Who won't mind missing the reception meal so long as they get an evening invite, which is cheaper to cater?

Who will understand your position if you cut them out completely.  Just remember to take the photos and a piece of cake later!

5. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff!

You are going to make this day perfect.  Everything is just as you dreamed, but without the financial weight to worry about.   Do not be distracted by the less important things such as flowers the wrong shade of pink.

These small things do not ruin a wedding day, so don't let them drag you down.