The Best Wedding Thank You Speech GuideMy wedding thank you speech was well received by everyone. Thanks to the tips and tricks I found online. It is amazing what a Google search can come up with. I just stumbled into websites upon websites with tips and tricks about wedding thank you speeches. I want to share with you the things I learned so that you won't have to experience the things that I did. Before I got hold of the wonderful tips and tricks about wedding thank you speeches, I was concerned that I won't be able to write and deliver a speech at my own wedding. I don't want to disappoint my bride and the people that will attend our wedding. This really stressed me out to no end that I couldn't even sleep just thinking of how to write and deliver my speech. Good thing I have a bit of search engine skill. I found a few tips and tricks that helped me greatly. Allow me to share with you some of the tips I learned. First, calm down and relax. You don't have to rush writing the speech if you have a day or two to make it. Just chill out and allow yourself to think about what you are going to write. After you are clam and relaxed enough, think of a theme. Think of a single theme for your wedding thank you speech and just stick with this single thought. This will allow you to memorize your lines better, and be coherent and precise to your audience. When you have a single theme, think of what you want to impart to your audience. Do you want to thank them by making them laugh or by inspiring them? Either way you have to make a point to your speech regardless of whether you want them to feel inspired or be enterntained. As regards the delivery of your speech, you really need to practice it as much as you can. Repetition is the mother of study, as they say. In your case, repitition is about reciting your lines flawlessly. If you can, try to rehearse your delivery with someone who can listen to you. Try to gauge his or her reaction, and try to get an honest opinion out of them. This is the best opportunity for you to improve or edit your speech. When you don't have anyone to listen to you, then record your speech and play it back so you can hear your diction and tone. This way you can improve upon your speech as much as a single person can. I followed all these tips and I made a pretty good wedding thank you speech I was so happy and proud of myself when I delivered my speech. If you want to get professional tips and guides for your speech writing, then visit <a id="link_79" target="_new" rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/article_exit_link');" href=" ">wedding thank you speech</a> |