Best Man Speeches

Potentially The Worst Day Of My Life

Hi guys, just wanted to share my experience of my best man ordeal. I had always been absolutely terrible at public speaking so while I was honoured to be the best man, I was dreading having to make the speach. There is such a lot of pressure on the best man to be funny and unless your a professional stand-up comedian, you're bound to struggle. I put it off for a while and in the end, only had 3 days to write it all.

I thought I'd write this give some people who may be in a similar predicament a helping hand and let them know how I got through it, because I know how unbelievable terrifying it can be!

The Reaction

Somehow, after I'd finished reading the speech I was greeted with raptuous applause. It was such an amazing feeling. Nearly everyone, including the very attractive bridesmaid came up to me afterwards to thank me for a "very funny" speech! Of course, I took all the credit...

How Did I Write A Funny Speech In 3 Days?

I tried for about a day to come up with something reasonable... Massive fail! It all sounded either cheesy, or totally innapropriate. So like you, I turned to the internet. There is very little free stuff around and all of it is rubbish anyway. To be honest I was so desperate I would have paid anything. I joined or something like that anyway. It was crap! What a waste of $10. The snippets they show you for free are quite funny, but everyone's heard them before. The stuff you pay for is of a standard you'd find in a christmas cracker. I bought the 'Best Man Speech Insight' and that was rubbish as well, I paid a small fortune for it so I'd hoped for better.

I'd heard some good reviews about this other ebook and to be honest, I'd have given anything a try. I found it at this website if you're interested , rubbish name but actually a really good product. Their website describes the book a lot better than I can, but needless to say, the hardest thing about the speech was trying to stop myself laughing at the jokes! Don't buy the hardback copy though, it's a rip-off, I got the download for under $20. That's the price of a few drinks at the wedding and it was definitely worth it to see everybodies reaction during and after the speech. Strangely it turned into one of the best days of my life and I will never forget making a room full of strangers laugh hysterically.

So yeah that site was , I'm not even getting paid to write this! (maybe I should be, hmm...)