Entertaining Children at weddings

Barely a wedding goes by without a infant crying briefly in the work of a wedding ceremony, or a kid speaking (again briefly) in the work of the speeches. This is very always met with smiles & laughter & can be a fondly recalled part of the day. If, however, you feel your reaction would be more one of horror & embarrassment, an adult only ceremony and/or reception' might be the appropriate choice for you. Alternatively, entertaining children at weddings can be an excellent compromise.

Keep in mind it is your wedding, so if a childfree event is best for you then nobody else can tell you you're wrong. Don't expect everyone to be happy about your decision though. Three times you have made your choice, try to be consistent. Allowing some children & not others is positive to cause resentment, which you don't require on your wedding day. A great way to placate upset parents is by having an adult only ceremony, but allowing children at the reception. This ensures that there will be a number of the fun & laughter that children can bring to a wedding day, without any disruptions in the work of your ceremony.

In case you think about it as a disgrace to have a wedding without the tiny people present, but require to keep away from any tantrums, then look in to various ways of entertaining children at weddings . An entertained kid is a happy kid. Lots of of the forms of children's entertainment available for weddings are also fun for the grown-ups (my personal favourite has to be Giant Jenga!) & will make for some hilarious wedding photographs. This, & similar lawn-games can be bought, or hired from various entertainment companies. A quick web search ought to lead you in the right direction. Wedding entertainers can also help to keep the tiny ones happy. Balloon sculptors & magicians are the most common choice.