Feed your Face: Top 5 Foods for a Better Complexion

Water. O.K. no surprise here. Water is the best way to keep your skin plump and hydrated. It keeps dry skin and wrinkles at bay so drink up!

Salmon. By now most of us have heard all about the heart-healthy benefits of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids found in fish oils. These wonder fats are also important to your skin, fighting dry patches, eczema, and other conditions that rob the skin of a smooth, youthful gloww

Wheat Germ. Just one tablespoon of this powerhouse food is packed with skin essential B vitamins, along with vitamin E and Selenium. The B family of vitamins aids the skin in cell regeneration and combats the hormones that can cause unwanted blemishes. Vitamin E and Selenium work together to reduce the risk of skin cancer and fight against premature aging. Sprinkle some in your morning cereal or add a little crunch to your yogurt for a skin-friendly snack.

Orange Fruits & Vegetables. Vitamins A & C play vital roles in our goal for healthy skin. Carotene, the substance that gives carrots and sweet potatoes is deep orange color, turns into vitamin A inside the body. This powerful antioxidant helps to both deter wrinkles and fight cancer causing radicals. Vitamin C is another important antioxidant. When used topically, it helps reduce age spots and when taken internally it helps stabilize the skin’s collagen creating a more elastic, supple texture. Next time you shop the produce section, look for rich, orange fleshed fruits and vegetables, like carrots, pumpkin, apricots, and papaya.

Blueberries. A recent USDA study ranked blueberries number one is cancer fighting antioxidants. Blueberries are rich in phytochemicals that not only give them its lovely color but also provide a wonderful source of antioxidants. Combat the unpleasant effect of smoke and other environmental toxins with ½ a cup of blueberries a day.