Magical Entertainment for Your Wedding

Why is Wedding Entertainment Important?

A wedding or civil partnership is one of the most special days in two people's lives and a day of celebration shared with family and friends.

The wedding entertainment you choose helps to create and maintain the air of celebration, turning the day into a really memorable event. And no entertainment can beat magic for interest, mystery, comedy and interaction. A magician at a wedding or civil partnership has many practical uses as well, such as adding structure to the day, breaking the ice between guests and helping to fill any unexpected delays.

Having a Magician at your Wedding

Most people, young and old, enjoy magic and an experienced wedding magician will be able to perform for all ages.

Remember, many people have only ever seen magic performed on television. Seeing 'live' magic is completely different and will be a memorable part of your wedding day.

Close-Up Magic for Weddings

Close-up magic and illusion is the most versatile and flexible form of magical entertainment. A close-up magician doesn't require any special equipment or facilities such as power or a public address system and will usually carry all his or her props in their pockets.

Also, it only takes a few minutes for a professional magician to get ready before they start entertaining. The close-up magician is one of the easiest things to organise, just tell him the date and time, and leave him to it!

A close-up wedding entertainer can mingle with guests, either seated at tables or standing in small groups, and spend a few minutes with each group entertaining them with amazing magic. It is a really effective ice-breaker - helping people who have never met before loosen up and giving them something to talk about.

Magic provides a great talking point,with everybody comparing their experience and wondering how on earth the magician did it. While the magician is entertaining one group, everyone else is wondering about the sounds of astonishment and laughter coming from across the room.

There can sometimes be times during a wedding celebration when not much is happening, especially for the guests. Close-up magic can fill these lulls and turn them into a highlight.

Times in the day when close-up magic works:

* While guests are waiting for dinner or buffet to start.
* Between the day and evening functions.
* When guests are arriving at the reception or waiting in the reception line.
* Between the courses of the meal.
* While the wedding party are being photographed.

A professional magician will help make your day into a memorable event without detracting from it or taking it over.