Press Release on 'the Changing Face of Asian Marriages - an Internet Revolution' in 'asian Voice' by Mr. Bharat Raithatha

A great deal has been written and said in recent years about the shift away from traditional arranged marriage, particularly here in the UK. Yet the debate rages on -should Asians hold fast to the old ways, or embrace a new and different approach?
The new generation of Asians today have not only adapted to the lifestyles of their new adopted country and its culture but have also maintained the Asian cultures and traditions, and this is clearly evident in the marriages that takes place or search for a life partner.
Whilst there are few arranged marriages within the Asian community nowadays, the extended families have always been involved in the search for a life partner for their children, where the children are now given the choice even to search for their partner, to meet and get to know each other before they involve their respective families and tie the knot.
We now have a second and third generation of Asians who rejoice in a balance of cultural understanding that covers both East and West with equal ease. And they demand a greater degree of freedom of action yet also respecting the wishes of their elders and family traditions.
However, the problem is growing -there are so many who remain unmarried after the age of say 30 years, is in itself a major change in marriage patterns among Asians. Most of these people are now in good positions and stable employment looking for partners, yet have found it very difficult to get married.
The trend is quite clear these days - most girls looking a graduate, find stable employments and be independent is in itself a major cultural change but at the same time clock ticks by and you are already 30+ and still single. The days of marrying at such a young age at 20 or even 23 are now gone. The true Asians who have respected the decency demanded by their culture and tradition or religion have resorted to semi-arranged marriages, else how are they supposed to find partners of their choice? "They are taking the initiative themselves," obviously guided by their parents says Bharat Raithatha, the business editor of Matchmaker International Ltd.. Matchmaker Magazine now solely for all backgrounds within the Asian community.
Mr. Raithatha continued: "Through agencies like our own, they have found a confidential and respectable means of gaining introductions to like-minded prospective partners of an appropriate religious and ethnic background. The Matchmaker International Ltd.. Matchmaker Magazine is a forum for those wishing to advertise their listings and communicate freely through a Box number system in a confidential way and many have found the love of their dreams through this route as well.
Another cultural change is a new wave of speed dating events bursting through UK where you can now have up to 30 dates in one night in a nightclub with a quick three minute chat with each prospective partner and a new Asian generation ready to take on this new challenge.
The Internet is another major cultural change where it is now fashionable to register on so many sites and seek the partner of your dreams using the technology.
As Mr. Raithatha said: "Our new Internet site at lets interested parties communicate to each other freely via emails by sending their own personal messages and persue listings in the privacy of their own homes via the Personal Internal Messaging System (P.I.M.S) which is also capable of sending ematch alerts to your email address. Prospective partners can now make initial contact by e-mail and gather relevant information before committing to an initial meeting."
You will get people who are serious. The response so far has been excellent with the site capturing all backgrounds from all over the world and the number of visitors reaching to over 4,50,000 per month. Asians looking for partners now commnuicate interactively, with so many who have become just good friends from being complete strangers.
Media such as these are certainly fuelling the change in Asian marriage tradition. A glance at the personal details in one issue of the magazine indicates an up-market and well-educated group of individuals seeking partners for life and marriage. Interestingly, the swing is not yet complete - the magazine and the Internet site both carry details in a confidential manner placed by parents hoping to arrange marriages for their children!
For more information please contact Bharat Raithatha (ACMA B.A. Hons), Business Editor at M.I.L MATCHMAKER MAGAZINE on 020 88681879 or by email or visit .