The Secret of Looking 20-30 Years Younger Than Your Age

I discovered one of the amazing things on earth: looking younger than your age.

I started learning reflexology and massaging at the age of 14.  I started a daily workout and exercise at the age of 15.  Later, I have self study of avoiding wrinkles on our body especially our face.  First, I have thoroughly studied the wrinkle zone on all areas of our face.  I have found out that facial expressions have to do a lot of wrinkles on our face. Thus, by reflexology,  you must massage the areas that prone to wrinkles such areas are our temple, around our eyes and the lines when we laugh on our cheeks and massage all areas of the face and also the neck. Just do the massage of face and neck for 20 minutes daily before you go to bed.   Massage also your body for 20 minutes.

When you wake up in the morning do the exercise from 30 minutes to 1 hour. You must do the exercise regularly.  Eat fresh fruits and drink fruit juice daily and eat raw vegetables. For your skin, avoid too much sunlight especially in the afternoon.  Apply astringent on your face, arms and hands regularly.  Use soft soap on your body.

Drink plenty of water daily. Listen to  your favorite music daily and feel young always.  find time to relax and body streching to avoid headache and pressure.  When you have a problem massage your head and hands.  Learn how to relax and drink water first. Before the mirror study your self prone wrinkles, you may smile,laugh and get angry so that you will know the lines and the areas you will apply more on massaging.  You can also control your facial expression especially when you are angry, but you must practice it daily.  The No expression face is hard to get wrinkles mostly on temple area.  Learn how to breath- inhale and exhale for at least 5 minutes daily.

Now, do this for one month and you will feel incredible and confident, look great and terrific.