Groom Wedding Speech - What Should You Say?

The wedding reception is time to celebrate the marriage and the joining of the families.

The typical format of a wedding reception is to have a greeting, meal and several speeches and finally the cutting of the wedding cake.

But the speeches usually turn how to be the highlight of the event.

What is everyone what going to say?  As the groom what should you say?

Well the best thing to do is to take the worry out of the important moment by preparing what you are going to say in advance.

First of all know the order of the speeches.

Usually the father of the bride speaks first and the you will speak as the groom.

You will want to familiarize yourself with the father of the bride's speech in advance as you will be responding to that speech.

So what should you say as the groom?

Well you will want to start by thanking the father of the bride for his wedding toast.

Next you should take the time to thank everyone for attending your wedding.

Next compliment and thank all the members of the wedding party with special emphasis on your new bride and both of your families.

If you are having trouble coming up with your speech you should definitely visit

This site has many tips and articles to help you write a successful groom speech complete with stories and jokes.

If you don't have time to write your own speech, you can also download a wedding speech by going to .

With all of this help you don't have to worry any more about giving your wedding speech.