Finding Qualifed Local Resources for Wedding Invitations

Thérèse Saint Clair has been selling fine stationery and custom invitations from the same Greenwich, CT location for the last 31 years. As with most serious stationers, we do not sell custom wedding invitations over the internet. The internet simply can’t provide buyers with the necessary tactile or visual experience to make an informed purchasing decision. In effect, the online buyer is being shown a seriously flawed low-resolution image of fine stationery and the craftsmanship that goes into making custom invitations.

While consumers are savvy enough to realize that feeling and touching sample wedding invitations is a far cry than guessing what they may feel like when looking at a 72 pixel internet image, many consumers will never get the chance because they can’t find a qualified local stationer online. If you are a consumer who values choice, prefers to see the world through your own eyes and favors a personalized solution to the online template alternative, then you recognize the value of shopping locally.

The challenge is to find a qualified local stationery store in your neighborhood that has the range of fine paper lines, printing and customization options, and experience to help make your visit worthwhile. Found below are some helpful hints to help you find a qualified stationer in your neighborhood:

  1. Visit the website for information and hyperlinks to more than 60 fine paper lines and a list of over 290 highly qualified independent stationery stores in North America. This site provides highly relevant and timely information to guide your search and helps you locate stores in your neighborhood that sell fine stationery and custom invitations.

  2. Look through a bridal magazine to locate two or three wedding invitation samples which you find appealing. Visit the company’s website. In most cases, these companies will list their dealers by state. For instance, if you are interested in Smock’s beautiful line of bamboo letterpress invitations or the incredible customization options available at Luscious Verde , simply visit their websites to find a list of their authorized dealers. In many cases a strong dealer may carry more than one line that you found attractive.

  3. If Google™ or Yahoo™ is your search engine of choice, then enter a very specific search term such as “custom wedding invitations + your zip code” into the search bar. You may have to sort through several online dealers, but you should be able to identify several independent stationery stores within driving distance. Before jumping into your car, I suggest that you cross-check these stores to make sure they represent one or more of the following diversified and well-represented wedding invitation brands: Crane & Co., Encore, Lallie, Luscious Verde or William Arthur.

  4. If you have recently received an invitation or hand-written note from a friend that you found distinctive, give the sender a phone call and see if they can recommend a local stationer. Word of mouth continues to be a great source of information.

I must sadly agree with Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, who recently said that the internet is a “cesspool” of bad information. Nowhere is this more evident than in the area of local search. In certain industry segments, such as “weddings” or “wedding invitations,” it is next to impossible to find a local business in an online search. Local search is dominated by nationwide providers who euphemistically “service” local areas.

If you follow one or more of the steps outlined above, you should be able to locate a qualified stationer in your neighborhood. Their experience and good taste should prove helpful in sorting through the many customization options to create your special wedding invitation.