Healthy Snacks For a Healthy Bride

Running around town and setting appointments with the caterer, the florist and the photographer are all in a days work for the bride-to-be. With all of that going on in your life, it is easy to “forget to eat” and find yourself fatigued, irritable and ravished by 3:00 pm. If this sounds all too familiar, keep reading to discover the best on-the-go foods that will stabilize your metabolism and help stave off that mid-afternoon crankiness.


Raw almonds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds are an excellent, non-perishable and portable snack. The best way to eat nuts and seeds is in their raw state—that is without roasting and definitely without the addition of oils, which are mainly added to processed nuts. When the nut or seed remains in its’ natural state without the addition of heat, the enzyme content and nutritional value is maintained and nutritionally beneficial. The satiety or fullness that nuts and seeds provide is mainly due to the high fiber content. The following is a list of both protein and fiber content for a few different types of nuts and seeds:

24 whole nuts
Protein: 6 gram
Fiber: 3.5 grams

Serving Size: 14 halves
Protein: 4 grams
Fiber: 2 grams

Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds
Serving size: One ounce
Protein: 5 grams
Fiber: 3 grams (sunflower seeds only)

Not only do these nuts and seeds contribute to the daily fiber and protein requirements of the body but they also contain high levels of essential minerals like potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. These minerals are especially important for a bride-to-be because they soothe anxiety, irritability and stress while providing sustainable energy and aiding in transmission of nerve impulses and relaxation of stiff muscles. And the bonus is that you can purchase just the amount you want in the bulk aisle at Whole Foods Market


Organic Green Super Foods Energy Bar makes the list because energy bars are not all created equal. Just because an energy bar is marketed as such does not mean it is healthy or will even provide energy to your body. A rule of thumb with energy bars is to look at the ingredient list—if you see more than one or two ingredients that you do not recognize, then likely that particular bar is over-processed and void of nutritious energy giving potential. The best energy bars will not contain added sugars and should be “raw” - meaning that they have not been heated during processing. The energy bar mentioned above meets both of these criteria plus it is gluten, soy and dairy free in addition to vegan, for those with food sensitivities and allergies. MIXED VEGGIE CHIPS

Mixed Veggie Chips are a great way to snack on something nutritious, crunchy and a littlesalty. These tasty snacks are dehydrated vegetables drizzled with canola oil and sea salt. They taste similar to a chip, but you don’t have to feel guilty eating them because they are real food, not over-processed traditional potato chip chock full of rancid oils and preservatives.Their nutritional profile provides 19 grams of complex carbohydrates, 2grams fiber and only 5grams of sugar per one cup serving size. And unlike traditional sodium-laden potato chips, veggie chips contain just 76mg sodium from sea salt (which is not processed and far superior to iodized salt). Like the nuts, you can also find the mixed veggie chips at Whole Foods Market in the bulk aisle.

Cat Tiseo, Registered Dietician at the Spa By Whole Foods Market