How to Choose Wedding Caterer for your Event

In any event ,food plays an importent role ,as majority of guest comes to wedding to eat, sorry,i should speak for my self ,i always look forward to have nice meal when i attend a wedding ,i am from gujarat,india , i have my test in my daily food, i lookforward to have similer if not same test in my dish .what happend if i found miles away from my test.

when you choose a caterer you need to make sure has he got the touch of the test you are looking for ,becouse only you know the list of guest , for example if you have guest like me from india and majority of your guest are from similer background then if you introduce the test of food from diferent part of the world then you had it....curry can be made with hunders of ways ,

When you choose dishes you must make sure you have something for every one ,some people will only have veg,some will only eat meat,some like rice,choose veg which are widely avalable in market ,insist for fresh veg and meat product not frozen ,

Some times rate is not importent or your personal relation is not importent,for you most importent thing is your guest you must take that in mind when you appoint a caterer.

When you choose cater never made comitments without testing a food ,select two dishes at a time , have three or four peoples for testing .wait few days untill you have made a decision ,once you decided and you have choose the dishesh and you are ready to make payments for diposit ask for another testing on the same time with diferant dishes of your choice . Make sure you found the test for your guest .

at the time you are making commitments ,plan serving time too, ask how it will be served, you should make visit on the site when they make the food ,

Must appoint one person on the day to see the volume of dishes ,quality,prassentation,test is deleverd as
promised ,

Must set time for serving ,and should be done in order so every table have the dish you have orderd.

many times the family too busy ,they will overlook the issue of serving the dishes ,and they will result in left overs ,do you ever ask the caterer what they will do with the food you have already paid for ,does it goes in the bin or they will resale it, i do not have answer to that ,i belive the best way to buy some platic containers and fill it up and give it to your family members to take it home , you don't have to do this if you don't want.remeber good food test better next day this is my opinion becouse free food is always test better .

Popular dishes in weddings are Biryani,lamb curry,mix vegetable curry,naan,rita,sweet zarda rice, ,popular becouse we do not think of any thing else , or our cooks and caterer can't offer any thing else ,they do ,but we got stuck with this.

If you are not satisfied with the quality of food from your caterer what action you will take ... nothing...what can you do....nothing ,will they pay you back..if you lucky..unfortunatly ,we should have Asian wedding Association who can deal with this kind of issues and monitored the services...good idea..may be

Finally, you are welcome to visit my website in Author resouses box and tel me how did you find my New Tom cruse look yaar,specialy the hair style, the picture was taken in Nile cruse in Egypt , the person sitting next to me is my Indian Bride ,after 32 years together I have seen her grow ,thanks to Halal chicken Tikka, we had our first disagreement on choosing our food in restaurent ,at Santa Cruse Mumbai ,Indian , Thank you for your visit.