Awful Wedding Themes

Couples wish to make their wedding day special and memorable.  This wish leads a lot of couples to plan a theme for the focus of the revelry.  Sometimes, it works out well.  Sometimes things turn sour.  Below are a few wedding themes to avoid at all costs.

Hunting/Redneck Wedding
Both partners love camping and campfires, stalking prey in turkey blinds, and wearing camouflage.  They will probably have a close relationship and entertaining life together indulging in their favorite pastime.  Still, nobody's saying that they should get married in cammo, or that a stuffed trophy should appear anywhere in the wedding album.  In 50 years, will you actually want to explain to your grandson or daughter why their grandmama was wearing waders to get married?  Your wedding day should be wondrous and enduring.  Plan the campfire for the future adventures.

Vampire Wedding
Myriad women, and some men, find recent depictions of vampires sensual and romantic.  While you may be part of this group, there are myriad reasons you shouldn't include your passion for Twilight in your wedding.  For beginners, it has saturated society.  Vampires are all over the place in our time, so that kind of theme really doesn't make your wedding unique.  Second, it means death.  In recent years, the movie industry has idealized many a vampire's long-lasting love. But vampires also drink human blood to feed.  Nary a thing says romantic like a bloody mess.

Clown Wedding
In the likely event that you aren't fourth generation in a clowning clan and looking forward to go on tour with a headlining circus, leave out the face-paint and water-squirting flower.  This theme really is not as humorous as you think it will be.

Foodie Wedding
Some couples want to incorporate how they got to meet into the reception. However, if you met at a fast food restaurant, omit this option.  Do you truly want your wedding dress to exude the smell of fryer grease?

Medieval/Pirate Wedding
Sure, people will sell you an assortment of romance films set in the renaissance era, or something with a debonair pirate, but in reality, neither of those periods were romantic.  Females were abused, men worked even more than nowadays, and physical hygiene was hard to find.  If you forget the yucky parts and only include the romantic aspects of the era, it just seems cheesy, and I don't know of anybody that wants that for their wedding celebration.

Cartoon Wedding
If you seriously manage to railroad your invitees to get suited up as animated characters, they might hold it against you you for eternity.  Who wants to start their marriage with the best man and maid of honor cursing them from under the hot and itchy foam head?

Geek Wedding
This heading includes any outer space wars or treks, or related animated theme from the palette of science fiction.  Even if both of the parties enjoy this idea, the truth is, a lot of your guests probably are not as big a geek as you.  Because of this, they aren't party to numerous inside jokes and will have no appreciation for the space-age attire.  Instead of being a celebration of geek romance, your big event will only be an enormous, confusing mess. In order to avoid this, plan a carefully thought-out wedding, and enjoy a Star Trek movie weekend when you're on your honeymoon.

Naked Wedding
Are you serious?  Just no.  Nobody thinks that's a fun choice. Remember that even if you desire your big day to be unique, always take your guests into account. Choose a theme that all can enjoy.