Wedding Trouble You Can't Avoid

You have planned your perfect wedding. In fact, you have gone through a lot to make your wedding as close to the one of your dreams. However, during this process there are some things that you have never thought could come up and that are really troubling you. Two of the most common problems in these cases are the fact that you may not want to have children in your reception and that you are not familiar with the registry etiquette. Here are some ideas on how to solve these problems.

You might want to have a quite wedding. You could be having your reception to a place where there is an unattended pool or other risk for children. You just believe that they will cause you trouble or make your guests leave early. If you prefer not to have children in the wedding or the reception, you are probably having a hard time trying to figure out how to say this to your friends without feeling awkward. One thing to try is to spread the word. This means to tell your friends to say it to other guests and so on. However, this has some problems as you will have difficulty reaching everyone you have invited. Moreover, your friends might not want to take part in this. And there also might be someone that will actually bring his children as he might think that since you haven't told him it is not official. This might in turn cause even more problems as there will be some people that have arranged babysitting for their children and gone through this trouble and others that have just neglected this. The one thing to do is to write something in the invitation. Of course writing ‘children are not welcomed' is not an option. You can however write phrases like ‘we have reserved two seats for you' or ‘we will be pleased if the two of you could owner us with your presence'. These phrases will contain the number of the people you expect. If nothing else, it should raise some questions and then you will have the chance to explain.

The second part is the registry. You simply cannot write an invitation that says ‘cash is preferred' or give registry information. You should also avoid registering in one expensive shop. Keep in mind that people want to get you a gift to help you build your life and not buy you the expensive china you always wanted. This is not part of the wedding. Don't use your wedding as an excuse to get gifts. You should also not ask for cash instead of gifts. People that can give you cash will do so. There are also many people today that realize it is important to contribute as much as they can. So the one thing to do is to register at a store that has a range of products for every budget and spread the word. Your guests have come to owner you, not to make you rich.